the waters of Jakarta Bay contain high levels of paracetamol has sparked concern over the impacts
15 Oktober 2021, 13:20:34 Dilihat: 502x

Jakarta, a recent study showing that the waters of Jakarta Bay contain high levels of paracetamol has sparked concern over the impacts on people and marine life. Researchers from Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the United Kingdom’s University of Brighton took seawater samples between 2017 and 2018 in four locations at Jakarta Bay. Their study found that there were 610 nanograms per litre (ng/l) of paracetamol in Angke and 420 ng/l in Ancol.

Angke is a highly populated area in Jakarta with inadequate sanitation, while Ancol is north of the city where the mouth of the main Ciliwung river is situated.

According to the study’s authors, research elsewhere in Brazil and Portugal has found paracetamol readings of 34.6 ng/l and at least 51.2 ng/l respectively.

Professor Zainal Arifin, who is a member of the research team from BRIN, said during a webinar on Oct 5 that “long-term exposure with low or high concentrations of paracetamol causes impaired reproductive function in shellfish,” in a laboratory setting.

The study was the first to report the presence of paracetamol in Indonesia's coastal waters. It was published in the scientific journal Marine Pollution Bulletin in August. 

While the study did not zoom in on the source of the paracetamol, the researchers believe that it may have originated from pharmaceutical companies, households and even hospital waste.

Following the release of the study, environmentalists also highlighted that the results show the country’s waste management is insufficient and needs improvement. 

However, further studies are needed to come to a firm conclusion and permanent solution, said those interviewed by CNA.


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